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  426 Windamere Terrace, Hot Springs, AR 71913





1991 — Master of Fine Arts, Illustration, Summa Cum Laude, Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, GA

1969 — Bachelor of Arts, Studio Art, Hendrix College, Conway, AR



• President, Society of Layerists in Multi Media, Albuquerque, NM (2004-present)

• Ellis College Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award 2006, Henderson State University

• Member Southeastern College Art Conference

• Member, International Society of Altered Book Artists

• AR Higher Education Art Educator of the Year 2003, Arkansas Art Education Assoc.

• 2001 Individual Artist Fellowship Award (Artist’s Books), AR Arts Council, Little Rock, AR 

• Ellis College Faculty Excellence in Artistic Expression Award 2001, Henderson State University

• AR Higher Education Art Educator of the Year 1997, Arkansas Art Education Assoc.

• Member, ScholAR Team, Arkansas School Boards Association• Director, Higher Education Division, 1994 –98, Arkansas Art Education Association, Little Rock, AR

• 1993 Member, Arkansas Arts Center Advisory Board, The Jonsson Foundation Art Interdisciplinary Studies Institute & Symposium

• Recipient, Don Freeman Memorial Grant in Aid 1992, SCBWI, Newark, NJ

• Recipient, Stephens Award for Outstanding High School Teaching, 1988 Stephens Inc. & City Education Trust, Little Rock, AR




"Connections: We are All One", SLMM 2006 National Juried Exhibition, 

Art at the Cathedral, Christ Church, Lexington, KY


"Between the Sheets: about paper", 3 person exhibition, RFA Gallery, HSU, Arkadelphia, AR

AR Arts Council Artist’s Fellowship 20th Anniversary Showcase, Decorative Arts Museum, Little Rock



"Toys Designed by Artists", juror, Kenneth R. Trapp , Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR


"On the Edge", SLMM 2005 National Juried Exhibition, Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, VA

Purchase Award, House of Promise, "23rd Psalm Exhibition", Fellowship Bible Church Little Rock


"The Subject is Books, Chapter II", CALS, Butler Center, Little Rock, AR"Idea to Image: The Artistic Process", Baum Gallery, UCA, Conway, AR


"40 Women over 40", Legacy Fine Art, Hot Springs, AR



"Oriiginals!", Arkansas Women Artists 2004—2005 Exhibition sponsored by the Arkansas Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts


"47th Delta Exhibition", Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR


"Healing Environments" SLMM 2004 National Juried Exhibition, Hot Springs, AR


"The Art of the Illustrator", Solo exhibition, King-Shivell Gallery, Lees-McRae College, Banner Elk, NC


"Nancy Dunaway: Personal Visions", Solo exhibition, Blue Moon Art Gallery, Hot Springs, AR


"Nancy Dunaway: Recent Works", Solo exhibition, Heights Gallery, Little Rock, AR



"Art That Heals", King-Shivell Gallery, Lees-McRae College, Banner Elk, NC


"Under Cover: Book Arts", St. Louis Artist’s Guild, St. Louis, MO


"Fire in the Heart", SLMM 2003 National Juried Exhibition, Schneider Museum of Art, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR


"The Subject is Books" Central Arkansas Library System, Butler Center, Little Rock, AR



"Images of the Olde World", MERIT AWARD, First Frontier Collage Society, Austin, TX


"Nancy Dunaway: New Work", Solo exhibition, Blue Moon Gallery. Hot Springs, AR



"3 Women: Artist’s: Books & Bindings", Central AR Library System, Little Rock, AR


"Women’s Art History Month Exhibition", Lees–McRae College, Banner Elk, NC



"The Birth of Wisdom", St. John’s College, Santa Fe, NM


"Alchemy, an Exhibition of Rolled Art", Nabisco Gallery, Nabisco World Hdqtrs., East Hanover, NJ, Garde Art Center, New London, CT, Temple B’nai Jeshurun, NJ



"Bridging Time and Space", SLMM 1999 National Juried Exhibition, Dominican College, San Rafael, CA


"The Art of the Book", Arkansas Artists Registry Gallery, Little Rock, AR


"Art About Art", Gallery One, UALR, Little Rock, AR"Five Alumni", Alumni Invitational, Trieschmann Gallery, Hendrix College, Conway, AR



"Book as Art Form", Arkansas Artists Registry Gallery, Little Rock, AR


"Toys Designed by Artists", Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR


"The Medium is the Message", Arkansas Artists Registry Gallery, Little Rock, AR



"In Collaboration With", Gallery One, UALR, Little Rock, AR 1997



"Nancy Dunaway: Recent Illustrations", Solo exhibition, Gallery 3, Baum Gallery, UCA, Conway, AR



"Three Arkansas Illustrators", Ritz Civic Center, Blytheville, AR


"An Illustrator’s View", Solo exhibition, R.F.A. Gallery, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR



"The Layered Perspective", SLMM Exhibition, Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville, AR



11th Annual Pen Women’s National Exhibition, Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville, AR


"Art Forms of the Spirit", Ross Gallery, Memphis, TN


Finalist, "The Arkansas Experience", Arkansas Educational Television Network Trapnall Hall, Little Rock, AR



"American Drawing Biennial III", Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, VA



• "Fiber Forum 2006", Workshop for Embroidery Guild of America, Hot Springs, AR

• "Spiritual Journaling", Workshop for Interfaith Alliance, Lexington , KY

• "Idea to Image:The Artistic Process" Gallery Talk, Baum Gallery, UCA, Conway, AR

• The Art of Layering: Making Connections, coedited by Nancy Dunaway & Mary Carroll Nelson ©2004 Society of Layerists in Multi Media Albuquerque, NM

• "Pentimento...A Panel Discussion of the Process" Schneider Museum of Art, Southern Oregon University, Ashland Oregon

• "The Architecture of Spiritual Journeying" Celebration of the Arts, Hot Springs, AR

• "Collage… the Process" Friends of Contemporary Craft Tour, Little Rock, AR

• "What Every Artist Needs to Know" ARTLinks 2002, State House Convention Center, Little Rock, AR• "Three Book Artists", Arkansas Library System Main Library, Little Rock, AR

• "Featured Artist, EGG the Arts Show" Arkansas Educational Television, Conway, AR

• "The Artist’s Book" Central Arkansas Library System Main Branch, Little Rock, AR

• "Let’s Make a Book" ARTSIGN, Arkansas School for the Deaf, Little Rock, AR

• "Collage Techniques", Workshop for Arkansas Artists Registry, Little Rock, AR

• "Dear Mama" included in Bridging Time and Space: Essays on Layered Art, Hartley, Ann, ©1998 Markowitz Publishing, Maui, HI

• Panel member, "Narrowing the Gap", Graphic Design Conference, UCA, Conway, AR

• llustrator, I Scream, You Scream, author Lillian Morrison, © 1997 August House, Little Rock, AR

• Illustrator, The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle, author Margery MacDonald, © 1995 August House, Little Rock

• Guest Lecturer, Illustration & Life Drawing, San Francisco Academy of Art, San Francisco, CA

• Guest Lecturer, Picture Book Illustration, Nappa Valley College, Napa Valley, CA

• "Meet the Illustrators", Radio Interview with Anne Nicholson KUAR Public Radio

• Guest Speaker, Arkansas SCBWI Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR

• "Picture Books — An Illustrator’s View", Cape Cod Writer’s Conference, Barnstable, MA

• "Art as Experience", Exemplary Practices in Education Lecture Series, Center for Academic Excellence, College of Education, UCA, Conway, AR

• Guest Lecturer, Illustration Focus Week, Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, GA

 Nancy Dunaway 

Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists. 

Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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