Regional guidelines
1. Purpose of These Guidelines
2. Status of the Society of Layerists in Multi–Media
3. The Organization of SLMM
4. Membership, Membership Policies
5. Reaching Potential Members
6. Regions of SLMM
7. Non–Competitiveness
8. Purpose of Exhibitions
9. Requirements for All SLMM Exhibitions
10. Regional Exhibitions
11. Financial Responsibility
12. Dues
13. Regional Funding
14. Regional Coordinator Materials
15. Meetings
Purpose of These Guidelines
As the Society of Layerists in Multi–Media expands, the memory of the group is diluted. For consistency and longevity of the Society, it is important that the established policies and purposes of the Society be maintained by all the Regions. The following Guidelines, approved by the Board of Officers and Directors, are based upon precedent, written material and the customs developed by SLMM over the years.
Status of the Society of Layerists in Multi–Media
SLMM is incorporated in the State of New Mexico. The By–Laws of the Society are registered with the State. The name of the Society and its tax exempt status are not transferable to any other agency, district, or organization. SLMM is a non–profit
SLMM is a non–profit organization whose tax exempt status rests upon an educational purpose. When founded in 1982, the Society began its long history of demonstrating, through art and ideas, a commitment to a holistic intention.
Incorporation Address: 1408 Georgia NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110-6861
Business Address: SLMM, PO Box 897, Guthrie, OK 73044
The Organization of SLMM:
The Seven Member Executive Board (Two Officers and Five Directors) consists of the following persons:
Five Board Members
These positions on the Board are elected through a vote on a Slate drawn up by the President in consultation with the rest of the Board. Only Full Members and Life Members who were former Full Members are eligible to vote. Officers and members of the executive board of the Society must be Full Members. Three year terms of office depend upon willingness to serve and the vote of the members. If agreed upon by the President, Board and Membership, Executive Board Members may serve two consecutive (three year) terms.
Executive Administrator: The Board has hired an Executive Administrator who facilitates collecting and processing the mail, data bank updates and record keeping. The Executive Administrator works closely with the Board.
Membership: Membership Policies
SLMM has more than one category of Membership. Full Members are those artists (formerly Associate Members) whose work and replies to questions on the Full Membership Application Form have been accepted by a rotating three person Membership Committee. Associate Members are all persons who have joined the Society because of their interest in the holistic principles of the organization. In addition there are four other categories of membership, Honorary, Life, Patron and Inactive, each of which is described in the By–Laws.
SLMM’s membership policy has been to let artists find the Society rather than to recruit members in order to expand the group. When non–members hear about a local SLMM show or a book in production, they sometimes join just to participate. They view the Society as the source of career opportunities and are not necessarily aware of or interested in, the premise of the Society. These artists are usually temporary members who drop out.
As a tax exempt organization based on an educational intention we cannot refuse membership to an applicant, but by adhering to our Guidelines for participation in Society events, we can also discourage opportunism.
Membership in SLMM has steadily grown since the inception of the Society in 1982. Most members in the earlier years found their way to the group because they knew someone who was a member. Today, members discover the Society in many ways.
Reaching Potential Members:
• Workshop/Teachers One source of membership which the Society favors is through the classes taught by our teacher/members. These teachers have often spotted an artist whose work and attitude mesh well with SLMM and the teachers pass along Associate Application Forms to these special students.
• Public Presentations The membership, especially the leadership of the Society, has often responded to requests for presentations, which have led to new members joining SLMM.
• Exhibitions Viewers at our exhibitions are often attracted to the ideas that SLMM represents.
Application Forms — We recommend having application forms at SLMM meetings and exhibitions.
• Website Our website, is designed to reach those seeking information about SLMM.
• Listings of art societies in various places such as the books written by our members and former members have attracted inquiries to SLMM.
• Publications SLMM publications have been read far and wide, leading to membership of artists who do not know any members but have found resonance with the words and images in our books.
Regions of SLMM:
Any person who joins SLMM is automatically a member of the National Society. In addition to the National Society, there is also, in some areas, a local presence referred to as a Region. The idea of Regions grew from the expansion of membership in certain definable areas. At first we had only a few Regions with appointed volunteer coordinators. The number of Regional Coordinators has steadily risen.
To form a Region, a nucleus of five members with a Regional Coordinator, appointed by the President, has proved to be a sufficient number. Any change of Regional Coordinator must be submitted to the board for approval, and all Regional exhibitions must be approved by the Vice President who is in charge of coordinating such events so as not to create conflict with National activities. Regional activity is one of the essential connecting factors of SLMM. When members meet together the inner warmth of the Society becomes available to them. A feeling of kinship can blossom into locally organized events.
Although a Region is not a replacement for the national identity of the Society itself, having a local Region is a way to bring the membership into more personal contact with the holistic, non–competitive and non–careerist basis of the Society. Understanding of the SLMM premise grows from increased sharing among the members. In contrast to other more academic art societies whose intentions are to help further the upward momentum of artist–members who use a particular medium, SLMM encourages its members to follow their inner guidance, use any medium or style they choose, and to feel supported in their individuality.
Regions are not in competition with one another nor with the Society at large. They are important parts of the family of artists who belong to SLMM as a whole. Non-Competitiveness is the Society’s policy. All members are considered to be of equal status. The Society’s Non–Competitiveness underlies the fact that SLMM Exhibitions do not offer prizes or awards, but are a "whole" comprising work by a number of individuals, none of whom outshines another.
Purpose of Exhibitions
Exhibitions, per se, are not a basic goal of SLMM. Our basic goal is to support each other in our desire to express a holistic perspective. Exhibitions are intended to demonstrate to the public, from time to time, the visual expression of the holistic perspective shared by the membership. Exhibitions that do not reflect a holistic expression fail to meet the purpose of having a SLMM Exhibition, even when the artwork shown is of professional quality.
Requirements for all SLMM Exhibitions
Organizers of Regional Exhibitions are expected to follow the same procedures as the organizers of National Exhibitions.
• Review of Proposals Prior to executing any plan for a local event, a proposal explaining the plan is sent for review to the Vice–President of SLMM for review. Once permission is granted, the plan can be set in motion.
• Exhibition Guidelines SLMM can provide two documents for use in approaching a venue for an Exhibition. These guidelines include a letter from the President and a Standard Contract that serves as the basis for negotiations with the venue. To receive these documents, contact the Executive Administrator: SLMM, PO Box 897, Guthrie, OK 73044. The exhibition guidelines may be found here.
Eligibility Requirements By vote of the Board, eligibility for SLMM shows was established for National and Regional Exhibitions:
1. National Exhibitions are open to all Full Members (whose dues are paid), and Life Members of SLMM.
2. Regional Exhibitions are open to all Full, Associate (whose dues are paid) and Life Members in a Region.
3. Non–Member artists may not enter any SLMM exhibition.
Preparing for an Exhibition
1. An Exhibition Committee, both for National and Regional exhibitions, is chosen to prepare for a forthcoming show.
2. All shows are announced to the eligible membership at least three months before the opening date to allow the artists sufficient time to prepare an entry for the exhibition.
3. Anticipated expenses for the show are decided by the Exhibition Committee and an appropriate entry fee is set.
4. All shows are selected by CD–Rom or email. Entries should be labeled in accordance with the directions given in the Prospectus.
5. A model Prospectus will be provided to those who are planning an exhibition.
6. Entries that do not conform to the parameters stated in the Prospectus will be rejected.
7. All shows are selected by an objective curator or juror, (an art professional), or (less recommended but acceptable for regional shows), a committee of designated Full Members other than those on the Exhibition Committee. NOTE: Curators of SLMM exhibitions must be provided with a SLMM publication and any other materials necessary for their understanding of the Society’s premise.
8. Notification of acceptance or rejection is sent out TWO to THREE WEEKS after the deadline for receiving entries. Delayed notification interferes with the commitments of the membership to other venues.
9. No awards are given in SLMM Exhibitions.
10. Entering work for a Regional Exhibition does not guarantee acceptance. No such guarantee can be offered ahead of time. As the Society’s membership grows, the limitations of space may prevent the selection of each eligible member’s work for an Exhibition.
Regional Exhibitions
In planning for a Regional Exhibition, it is expected that the Regional Coordinator will follow the requirements given above, by gaining approval for the plan ahead of time from the Vice President and the Board. Regional Coordinators are encouraged to communicate frequently with the Board before and during the organizational process in order to prevent a conflict of interest and keep abreast of plans in the National Society.
Eligibility — Regional Exhibitions are open to Associate, Full Members in good standing, and Life Members. A Regional Exhibition is not the same as a National Exhibition of Full and Life Members only. This distinction must be clear to the directors of the venue. Any Exhibition Coordinators are responsible for insuring that members who enter the exhibition are in good standing (dues paid up) before accepting the work for consideration.
Quality Control — There has been a problem with Regional Exhibitions in that they have been, at times, displays of artwork that is uneven in quality and does not demonstrate the SLMM premise. When the SLMM logo and literature are connected with these shows it weakens the public perception of the Society. To ensure that the reputation of the Society is maintained, it may become necessary for a designated person to preview submissions to a Regional Exhibition before the entries are given to a selected curator, and to eliminate entries that are of poor quality or are not in keeping with the premise of the Society. This action is available IF requested by the region (as a help in making difficult determinations). An explanation for this elimination should be given to the entrant. If such a procedure is instituted, one desirable result of it would be to educate the membership and accelerate the process that leads Associate Members toward Full Membership.
Setting Fees for SLMM Shows — Much is dependent on what the venue is contributing. It is important to get in writing everyone’s responsibilities so there are no misunderstandings. Usual expenses include printing and mailing, reception costs, rental expenses, and any hired services that may be needed. For a sample SLMM Exhibition Venue Contract contact the Executive Administrator. Once it is determined which of these expenses the local region is going to cover, you divide this amount by the estimated number of entrants and this is your entry fee. It is always good to overestimate your expenses, because unexpected things always come up. Each event should be self supporting and sometimes extra money is taken in, these monies should be sent to the Executive Administrator after the event with the reports. If the region needs seed money to start the process, it can make a request to the Executive Administrator, but this should be returned to the National Treasury at the end of the show. NOTE: Original receipts of expenses should be kept and records of monies received should be carefully documented and sent to the Executive Administrator so our records are up to date. Each show is unique and the local members will have to plan accordingly.
Financial Responsibility
All money collected by the National Society or its Regions is the responsibility of the Executive Administrator who serves as the National Treasurer. An annual report of monies collected and dispersed is prepared by the Executive Administrator for submission to the Society at the National Annual Meeting.
Receipts of expenses of SLMM regional activities must be kept and records of monies received should be carefully documented, copied and sent to the Executive Administrator in order to comply with the 501(c)(3) non–profit requirements. When a fee is charged to the public for an event at the regional level, the money collected may help to defray the costs of the event. (For example, workshop, lectures, etc.) Members are not reimbursed for hosting a regional meeting.
Dues run from July 1st — June 30th. In 2002, SLMM’s dues were raised. Individuals new to SLMM who join SLMM between January 1st and June 30th are credited with paid dues until July 1st of the following year. All dues should be sent to the executive administrator.
Benefits of Membership:
Public Area of the Website
• Events Page Any member of SLMM may contact the Website Administrator to have an exhibition listed in which they have been accepted. Details such as dates, place, address, and website or phone number of the venue should be included. The Website Administrator encourages members to submit an image of one piece of their artwork that is in the show to be added to this page.
• Artists’ Links Page Any member of SLMM may have a link added to SLMM's website in order to link to their own. They are to contact the Website Administrator to have it set up. The onetime fee for the link is $10 payable to the Website Administrator.
• Artists’ Pages Any member of SLMM may have an Artist Page on the SLMM website. They are to contact the Website Administrator for details.
• Regional and Personal News There are sections in the website for regional and personal news which often go in greater depth than is available in the newsletter. Regions often send images of their exhibitions, which are added as a link for all members to enjoy.
• Archived News The links to the archives of past newsletters.
Prayer Circle is available for SLMM members to post requests for prayers for themselves, family or friends so that other members may send thoughts and prayers for them.
Newsletter Three newsletters per year are available on the website for members to download. Newsletters will be sent by mail to those members who do not have internet access. Members are encouraged to send their career and personal news to the email or physical address of the Website Administrator. The information will be placed on the website as soon as possible and added to the next newsletter.
Membership List is continually updated and available from the Executive Administrator. Each member is responsible for sending to the Executive Administrator any changes in address, phone number or email so that their information is kept current and that they may be contacted as needed. The SLMM membership list is privileged information, restricted to personal use by the Members only.
Regional Calendar — Regional Calendars, where applicable, are also emailed or mailed to the Members.
Annual National Meeting Attendance at Annual National Meetings is of great benefit to the Members of SLMM. These meetings are the heart of the Society. They have become the occasion for establishing cross–country friendships. National board meetings are held here. Reports and discussions of the Regional Coordinators occur during the meeting. Outside speakers, workshops, dinners, suitcase shows, a possible Full Member National Exhibition, and other activities make each of the meetings memorable. The annual conferences are held in different areas of the country and have, at times, been held outside the country.Click here for the Guidelines and Worksheet for Planning a SLMM National Meeting.
Regional Funding
All projects at the regional level are to be self–supporting. To insure this outcome, projects should be pro–rated.
Regional Coordinator Materials
• Official Stationery and Envelopes for use of contacting venues for shows or otherwise representing the national organization is available upon request.
• Address Labels for local members. Upon request. The address labels are for regional use only and not to be shared commercially.
• Associate Membership Forms upon request. Potential new members may also go to the SLMM website and request a form be emailed
to them.
Contact the Executive Administrator to request the above tools.
• Coordinator File It is recommended that Regional Coordinators retain these items in a file for reference.
The future strength of SLMM rests upon the energy in local Regions. Regional Coordinators are encouraged to plan for a yearly calendar of events, which may include one or more events. Programs and hosts for the meetings are set and included in the calendar, as well as directions for how to reach the meeting place(s). SLMM encourages regions to send calendars via email. And send the calendar information to the executive administrator to be posted on the website in the regional news section.
• Possible Programs for Meetings:
1. Visual sharing of members’ work.
2. An invited speaker.
3. Workshop by a member or invited guest.
4. Trip to a destination such as a museum, a major art display, or a town known for its art galleries.
5. Overnight trips to a special exhibition.
6. A shared meal at a restaurant, with or without a planned program.
7. A Pot–Luck meal.
• Procedure at an SLMM meeting:
1. Open with introductions of all in attendance. Guests are welcome.
2. Have a "talking circle" so that each person may share news or tell about him/herself.
3. Refreshments, usually provided by the host/hostess.
4. Program.